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아이엘츠 · 로라김선생님

[IELTS 중급 Speaking [Academic/General Training]] . 스피킹 연습방법

작성자 : 박지유·등록일 : 2017.07.12·조회수 : 2,737·답변수 : 1


제가 강의를 일단 다 들으면서 6.5교재와 7.0교재에 나와 있는 질문을 모두 워드에 모아서 아래와 같이 저만의 답을 만들어 보았어요.

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캠브리지 교재가 좋은건 알지만 최근 경향을 다 담고 있는진 제가 잘 몰라서요. 




Part 1

Tell me something about your secondary school?

I had learned in girl’s school from middle school to high school time. When I was secondary school student, my academic score was very good compared to high school student. Moreover, I really enjoyed extra class such as painting. I used to go exibitions a lot.

Which subject did you find most difficult at school? Why?

In my school time, my most difficult subject was math and sports in high school. However, these days my GRE math score is not bad. I think the course of programme in Korea high-school was different with western’s curriculme. Also, these days I like swimming, yoga, and aerobic. At the school time, everything is calculated into the academic score, so I lost my interesting on that.

Do you ever need that subject now? Why? Why not?

Yes, I use a lot the subject because in business school, students have to know math knowledge. However, when I was business worker, I didn’t need that. I worked in IT company as a planner. So, it was not needed. But, physical sport is always important still. The reason why I become fat easily, so I have to work out every day.

What did you enjoy about being a school student?

So, always I could do what I wanted. Although making good academic grade is difficult, generally I was interested on my study. Furthermore, I didn’t need to earn money. Actually, I enjoyed that time rather than other students.


Are there any famous buildings in your home town? What are they?

I live in jeggidong in Seoul, there is a big university the name is Korea. This university has a lot of beautiful architectures and these buildings were developed for a long time ago. The _style_ is very particular but it is not traditional _style_. Maybe I think, these architecture constructed by western architect. The shape looks like some western castle.

In what type of building do most people in your home town live?

Usually, Korean lives a lot in apartment, because Korea’s land is not wide people construct buildings very highly compare to U.S.A. or Austrailia. It is hard to find cottages.

Should buildings be attractive to look at why? Why not?

The buildings reflect on the area’s development levels, so the attract buildings is helpful to attract touristors or foreigners. In this respect, the building has to be attractive. One of the reason why people go to Euroup is the beauty of the traditional buildings.

What is the most unusual building you have ever seen? Why?

I’m Korean, so except for this Korea building, every other countries building is unusual. The most unusual building I have ever seen was in china. That is Beijing palace. Because it was very big but compare to the size, there is little ornament. I knew a lot of artifacts were moved to hong kong when they were under the war between mainland and hong-kong.


Is your home town a good place to live? Why? Why not?

Yes, I think this place is good to live. I live in jeggi-dong in Seoul now. In particular, this place has good environment. There is a forest, the name is hong reung and a stream flows along the street. So, I take a walk a lot with my pet. He also likes this walking trail.

What sort of jobs of your home town do most people live?

I don’t know well in this area about people’s vocation because I moved here last year. But, I think around here there are a lot of traditional big markets. So, I guess people work in there. 청량리 market, 약령 market. I think they sell some medisons and food.

Where did you play in your home town when you were a child?

I lived in 무림 apartment in dongjaggu in Seoul. There were some undeveloped spaces around the buildings. So, I played in there with my friend as playing home cooking with mud, flower and plant. We have some role each person like mother, father and baby when we play. After my 6 years old, I went to the kindergarten which is in front of the apartment buildings. After that, I played in there because of a lot of toys and friends.

What kind of place is your town/city?

My home town has a lot of schools, hospitals and traditional markets. So, this place is clean compare to neighbour town.

What’s the most interesting part of your town/city?

I live in jegi-dong in Seoul, in this place there are some cultural heritages like king Sejong memorial park. King sejong created hangul and advanced a lot science device like Edison in U.S.A. and there are hongreung forest, when every weekends, the forest manager guides some tourists about the hong reoung forest how to enjoy this place.

Has your town/ city changed in any way in your life time? How?

Actually I don’t know about my hometown jeggidong because I moved here last year. However, I lived in Seoul around 30years. There are so many changes this place. Skyscraper increased, a lot of transport vehicles, and population have been also rise. Some road were extended and furbished.

Would you say your town/city is a good place for young people to live? Why? Why not?

I think young people like Gang-nam area. Because there are a lot of institutions, entertainment places. So, young people hang out with their friends and study in there. Moreover, the transport system is developed very well. Many young touristors like this place also.


How often do you go to the cinema?

I usually go to the cinema 5-6 times in year. I got some culture card from Korea public office. This card can be used for entertainment, or buying books. Sometimes, my older brother shows me a movie in special day like chusuk. We meet 2-3times a year and go to the cinema.

Do you prefer to watch a film at the cinema or at home? Why?

Yes, I like watch at home. I think I’m so Ko-kun typed person. I feel easy at home and relax. So, I prefer to watch at home. But, sometimes some movie has special computer effects. At this time, I go to the cinema because of watching the computer effects.

Which film from your childhood do you remember most? Why?

My most memorial cinema is ‘Cinema paradise’. When I was middle school student, I saw this cinema. This story about a boy in Italy who loved a girl but they didn’t merry eventually because of war. After the boy grow up, he became a movie director and went to his hometown for looking for the loved women. The story was impressive and the sound track was so beautiful and got along with the movie images.

What’s your favourite film now? Why?

I like fancy and bright and futurist movie now like ‘avengers’. I don’t want to be gloomy as watching movie. So, I also like animation such as ‘kung pu fanda’ or ‘beauty and the beast’.

When was the last time you went to the cinema?

A month ago, I went to the cinema to watch movie ‘hidden feagures’ which is about the race discrimination movie. I didn’t anticipate this movie interesting but the story was impressive. I was enjoyed it with my coworker.

How popular are cinemas where you live? Why?

I think Koreans really like to go to the cinema movie regularly. When people meet together, they go to see a movie a lot because there are few entertainment places or parties. Especially, Korea has few play grounds. So, many young people enjoy games and watching movie.


Why did you choose your job?

I was interested in human computer interaction field. So, after the graduation, I became a mobile and website planner. At first, I interested in this field but, as time passed, the income of this job was better than other fields. So, I satisfied that.

What are your working hours?

It was very important question because there is no working hours. When we have a lot of work, workers cannot go home. So, the companies have no fixed working hours. Usually, in Korea around 40 hours in week is determined as working hours by law. But, most of companies do not keep the law.

Tell me something about the people who work with you.

It is difficult question, because, I’m a very fastidious and difficult woman. So, usually people didn’t like work with me. But, when people have to solve very difficult task is occurred, they find me because at this time people require trained workers.

Why did you choose your subject(s)?

I would like to select cognitive psychology for my dissertation subject, because it is related to my work experiences. So, Academic subject is coincidence with them. I think I can study more deeply and adapt to overseas study life well.

When do you prefer to study on your own? Why?

I dislike to spending time for moving from institution to home or vice versa. Sometimes, I feel very tired so, I think it is not effective. So, usually, I prefer to study on my own or utilize instructor systems through on the internet.

Tell me something about the other students on your course.

Cognitive pshychology is belongs to Human Computer Interaction field. It is about the interaction human and machine. But cognitive psychology is little different. It contains human’s _behavior_ overall of economic or pshychology field as well as interaction between human and computer.

What job do you do?

These days, I’m study for preparing overseas school admission. Sometimes, I teach students from elementary school to under graduate student for making money. So penurious life as a student rather than as an official worker. Because I was a planner in IT company, my income was not bad. So, these days, I have to frugal a lot rather than before.

What skills do you need for your job?

I think analyzing, observation skill is so important. Also, we have to do paperwork a lot, so planners have to deal with some of computer programme well. In addition, sometimes we have to communicate with developers, we need to have some program knowledges.

What do you particularly like about your job?

Actually, I really like to do something quietly with absorbtion. For the first time, when I was a rookie, I liked the air of the IT company. Because there are very lively and create new many things. It was fun and interesting. And then as time passed, I accustomed to the assigned my work. More and more I became experienced worker.

How long have you been studying (English/nursing/accountancy, etc.)?

I had been studied design in my under graduation student. After that, I recruited at an IT company and worked around 8 years. And then I entered business school for MS thesis. So, now I’m preparing for PHD course to go overseas school.


What sports are popular in your country?

I think Korean usually like every kind of sports. Especially, people like _base_ball and soccer game. People go playground for watching that at each season. Except for them, people just enjoy tennis, basketball or ping pong by themselves. Because there is few play ground in Korea, so they cannot enjoy the soccer or _base_ball game easily. They just have to watch them.

Did you learn any sports at school? Why? Why not?

I learned foot _base_ball and basketball in my adolescent school time. But I’m not good at the sports. Instead, I like yoga, swimming. Generally, I think I like some sports by alone. One of my favorite team sports is badminton. When I was young, I played that in front of my apartment building with my family.

Do you participate in any sports at the moment? Which ones?

I usually did badminton game with my family in front of my apartment building. My older brother is really good at ping pong game, so I sometimes follow him. But I couldn’t do it well. The ball is so small and fast, I couldn’t catch and heat the properly.


What kind of things do you prefer shoppings for?

Some years ago, I lived in gasan digital complex in Seoul. This place has a lot of oulets buildings. So, I really a lot of time went there for window shopping. Sometimes, I bought some clothes. But these days, I buy many products on the internet or TV home shopping. I think it is cheaper than outlets clothe furthermore they are all brand products.

In what kind of places do you like to go shopping? Why?

I usually went to the Outlets mall because department product is so expensive. Sometimes I use internet shopping or home shopping. These days store owners are running web site or mobile application. We can buy products with this.

What effect has online shopping had in your country?

I think the most memorable thing is shorten the delivery stage. So, the price decreases without deficit. Many owners utilized the internet or mobile online shopping application and sell their products very cheap prices.

What would you recommend that tourist buy from your country? Why?

I recommend tourist to buy some 홍삼 in my country. Korea 홍삼 contained a lot of 사포닌. So, it is good for maintaining health. Because, they raise human’s immune system up. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter any body’s traits. Everybody can eat them without side effects.


Do most people live in houses or apartments in your country?

In my country, land is not wide so people live in apartment a lot. We can’t find cottage. Buildings are constructed very highly. Sometimes I hope to live in single story house. But, it is too expensive.

What do people usually do in their free time in your country?

As you know, Korea land is so small. There are a few play grounds. So people enjoy computer games a lot. Sometimes, people go to the cinema or watching television. So, as you know, 한류 entertainment industry so developed.

Would you say that your country is a good place to visit? Why?

Yes, there are so fine places to tour. I recommend you to go nam-ee Ireland. There are so many exibitions and traditional performances in there. A lot of couples visit for sight-seeing. The Ireland enterance fee is 1milion won. But it is reasonable price. Because, they provide many things for tourists.


How often do you watch television?

I watch TV 1-2 hours every day. Usually, I watch news program or history drama. Sometimes I enjoy movie through television. However, I try to see little time because I have to study English for preparing PHD course. So, I restricted the time for watching TV when I have free time.

What kinds of television programmes are most popular in your country?

I don’t know well but I think people heavily interested in these days in Korea society. There was president impeachment and election in this year. So, people see a lot the news programme and politics program like debate about the promises of president applicants. Sometimes, people really like entertainment program which shows the celebrities life. And, various cooking programme is also popular to Korean.

Is there anything you would like to change about television in your country? Why? Why not?

Actually, I think too long advertisement time. I hope to restrict the time because I don’t want to waiting for watching my interested programme.  I think Korea is very conservative society, so people don’t show too gory or lewd programme.


What is your favourtie meal?

One of my favorite meals is seafood tomato spaghetti. I really enjoyed it rather than Korean food. I also like Korean food but almost of them are too salty or spicy. So, it is not good for my health because I have stomachache. However sometimes I enjoy 청국장. The smell is not good but very healthy food for people.

Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home? Why?

I prefer to eat at home. I have to control my eating amount because I have a stomachache. Also, I have to lose my weight but when I go to eat at a restaurant. Usually I overeat since the amount is so a lot by serving food. so, I decided except for special day I will cook by myself at home.

Are there any traditional meals that you would recommend? Why?

I recommend you to eat Korean traditional food 청국장, 김치. 청국장 has a lot of 이소플라본 and ingredient of strong immune factors, it is good for women or cancer illness’s people.

How have people’s eating habits changed in your country?

I think Korean people’s eating habit is so many changed rather than before. Because, a lot of western restaurant came to Korea and chain hamburger store like franchise, too. People eat meat rather than before. Also, they eat a lot of breads instead of rice. It is very big changed in there. I knew this change is some negative effect because the population of people with chronic disease increased.


Let’s talk about where you live.

I live in geggi dong. I think this town is clean than other town. Also, a lot of natural environment compare to any other area in Seoul. So, I satisfied that. I’m raising pet a dog coca-spaniel. He also like to take a walk with me along the stream the name is 정릉천 in this town.

What do you like most about your home town?

Most of all, I really like to taking a walk and cycling road along the stream the 정릉. The reason why that especially it is shortage of natural environment in Seoul. So, it is difficult to take a walk with my pet in Seoul.

Is your home town changed much in recent years? Why? Why not?

Actually, I moved here last year but Seoul is generally changed a lot. Transportation on the road increased and the way is extended. Also, population increased. Already, many things developed very much rather than other city. But, more and more everything is modernizing here.


What different types of writing do you do, for example letters, emails, reports or essays?

I frequently write email to my boyfriend because he lives in U.S.A. So, I write email a lot. Moreover, these days I prepare for PHD course in U.S.A. So, I write an essay every day. Actually, Korean does not learn about writing essay. At first, I didn’t accustomed to write it. I think it is interesting very much.

Do you prefer writing with a pen or using a computer? Why?

I prefer writing with a pen more. Because it is easy for me to write as I can arrange my thinking with a pen. But, these days I use a computer more when I write something because, I have to practice to write computer essay. I’m so late to write essay in speed with computer because English typing is not accustomed to me.

Do you write more now or less than you did a few years ago? Why?

I write more than a few years ago. I have many chances to write. Because I have studied business so I have to write a MS thesis for acquiring degree. I have to write a lot of essays and papers. So, after starting study, I really write more than a few years ago.

Do you like to write stories or poems? Why? Why not?

Actually, I can paint a drawing or making artifacts with some materials but, writing poems and stories so difficult for me. I think it is out of my concern. I can write some essays or reports but this is very creative works. But if I have a chance to learn poem, I hope to write some writings.


How often do you listen to music? Why?

I do hardly listen to music because I cannot concentrate on my works as listening music. But sometimes when I want to relax or relive my stress I want to listen to music. Especially, when I’m doing sauna or jogging with my pet, I really want to do that.

Do you prefer to buy CDs or download music from the internet? Why?

In fact, I use internet streaming service. At this time, I download or buy CD. Especially, Mp3 typed music is so compact to carry in my laptop. So, as possible as I can, I usually buy Mp3 files on the internet rather than CD.

Have you always liked the same kind of music? Why? Why not?

Yes, I like some sort of music. Semi-classic or pieceful soundtrack. Moreover, when I listen to music, I usually listen only one music all day along. I don’t know why I’m doing that but it makes me very relax and comport.

Is there a musical instrument you would like to learn to play? Why? Why not?

Unfortunately, I cannot play any musical instrument. Instead, I can sing a song well, so I participated in some quire team as a quire member in church for around 4 years. I cannot sing like a solo singer but I harmonized well with my quire member. I was joined the mezzo sofrano or alto part.


What are the most important festivals in your culture? Why?

The most important festivals in my country are chusuk and the first day of new year. As a matter of fact, there is no festivals in Korea, instead there are many special day like that. Chusuk is a sort of thanks giving day in western society. They share a food together and meet their relatives. The new years day, too. That time, all Koreans move to their hometown to meet their relatives and parents and grand parents.

How do people celebrate New Year in your culture? Why?

We meet together all relatives, brothers, sisters and parents. When we meet that time we bow to our eldery and eldery people say to their siblings and off springs a good word. And share food and play traditional game like 윳놀이. It is like western chess. But differently, many people can join the game.

Which festival did you enjoy celebrating most when you were a child? Why?

There is a children day in Korea. This special day, many parents gives some present for their children. I also anticipate to get a present from my parents. So, I think it is most memorable celebrating day for me.

Which festival in another country would you like to go to? Why?

In fact, I don’t know about other countries festival. However, if I have a chance to go other countries festival, I hope to go Brazil carnivals. Because I really like South America food and enjoy their cultures. Maybe I can eat various food in there.


In the future, do you think that different cultures will come closer together or remain distinct?

Many people think that different cultures remain distinct yet. But in my opinion, the world will become closer together more. Because the communication technology developed like SNS, blog, as well as mobile phone, emails. So, actually the world is smaller and smaller. They share their information a lot and disappear the distinct cultures. Also, their life _style_ and pattern becomes more and more similar rather than before. For example, Korean doesn’t wear their traditional dress except for special day. Modern people prefer wearing similar kind of cloth as the world trend.

In your opinion, what are the most important cultural _asp_ects of your country?

What are some of the unique customs of your country?

The most unique culture in my country, young people obedient to elder people. I think this is most distinct things compare to other countries. Elder people are respected from their off-springs. Because, they were born from their parents affecting from the confustian norm. So, it is very distinct things in my country.


How often do you go out with friends?

Tell me about your best friend at school.

Which is more important to you, friends or family?

I don’t usually hang out with friends these days. Because many friends already married and have a baby, I cannot meet them much. Furthermore many friends went to the foreign country because of marriage. I also plan to go U.S.A. for my marriage since my fiancé is U.S.A. citizen. I have a lot of friends in my school time. One of the most favorite friends is jiyeoun. She is a reporter in art magazine company. So, she knew information about a lot of performance and exibitions and movies. Sometimes, she takes me to the concert when she obtains some tickets. Moreover, she made a seaweed soup for me when my birthday came. In fact, Korean eats seaweed soup when their birthdays come traditionally. Right now, I think my friend is more important because I didn’t married my parents are passed away. But, when I marry to my fiancé I will change of my priority.


How friendly are you with your neighbours?

Actually, I don’t usually friendly with my neigbours. Since, I cannot have a chance to meet them. But I get along with the realty agent nearby my house. The owner of realty company also introduced my house, sometimes they let me know about some information. So, I have a good relationship with them.


What type of photos do you like taking?

What do you do with photos you take?

When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards?

Do you like people taking photos of you?

When I hang out with my friend before, I took photos a lot with them. So, I have a lot of photos with my friends. But, these days I take photos a lot of my pet. Sometimes, my pet is so ludicrous he is a coca spaniel. So, I take photos a lot of him. I just take photos and upload to my SNS.  When I see my pet photo, I can smile always.

Usually, when I visit other places, I buy postcards frequently. Because I hope to enjoy the time, but when I take a camera I cannot relax because of taking a picture. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Because, when I didn’t make up or my clothes are not so neat, I became so embarrassed. So, at this time, I don’t take a photo.


How did your parents choose your name(s)?

Does your name have any special meaning?

Is your name common or unusual in your country?

If you could change your name, would you?

My parents made my name from naming company. Traditionally, Koreans make their name from naming expert. My name was juyeon 8 years ago. The meaning is beauty. But I changed my name to jiyu after I was grown up. The meaning of jiyu is free and being stronger as time passed. My name is not common, however sometimes I meet some people who have same pronunciation. But, I don’t care because the meaning and Chinese character is different. The reason why I change my name is I heard that there is no man in my life because of my name. Actually, I could make my fiancé after I changed my name.


Compare the differences between education in you city with them in 20 years ago?

Compare the differences between university and middle school?

Compare the differences between students now and past.

I think public education system does not changed but private education changed a lot.  Some of subject and the way of test are different with my school time. However, the teaching _style_ is not changed comparing with before.

Most differentiation is a mandatory and optional. There are so many freedoms in University. The differentiation between students now and past is the private education volumes. I think this is twice or three times than before. Students use the private institution after public school like playing musical instrument, paintings, math or English study.  So, I thought Korean education system have to be renovated.


In Korea, when will people send the present?

Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving, what’s the difference between them?

Just image the gift in the future children will receive.

Generally, Korean usually sends a present when they have to present appreciations to others about somethings. Sometimes, people send presents special days like chusuk or thanks giving day. Also, in children’s day, many children get some presents from parents. Long time ago, presents was provided with some products by people. These days, people use some gift cards, coupons, and digital products in mobile as their presents. I think in the near future many children will get some gifts made of virtual machine like hologram or image friends for replacing friends. Since, thesedays children cannot play outside for studying even after school, they might be need virtual friends.


What is the interesting building in your country?

Where is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

I think jeju Ireland has very interesting house. The traditional house is made with single story and very small and flat house. When the rain is come, the houses frequently ruined. So this ireland people make house frequently again. In the jeju Ireland make happens a lot of hails and heavy rains with sea effecting air flow. The most interest thing is the roof, which is made of some bundles of straws. I guess they had no trees for building house a long time ago.


Are there some old buildings in your hometown? Where and Describe it?

Compare the differences between the constructions in your city with them in 20 years ago? Describe the building _style_s in detail?

What are people’s attitudes to old building today and that of our later generation? Should we protect them? Why?

What role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society?

Compare the differences between house and apartment?

20years ago, there are some two story buildings in Seoul. However, time is passed replacing them and increased skyscraper. Especially, apartment buildings are rising. Some people like Korean traditional buildings, so module house industry is developed, which is traditional _style_ and added some modern construction technology. So, they enjoy the both advantages of traditional taste and convenience methods. For example, they make traditional floors, roofs and use modern restrooms in their house. People who live in apartment pursue the convenience life while people who live in traditional house enjoy the nostalgia feelings.


What do you think the difference between adults and children making friend?

How do children make friend?

What is the most important thing in friendship?

What is the second important thing in friendship?

What makes friendship break up?

I think adult and children friendship is little different. As I’m grown up, I feel difficulty to making new friends. Including me, people cannot trust one another these days than before. When I was a young child, I could make a friend as playing outside. But, these days, even though I could make friends, I cannot maintain the relationships because of various reasons such as religions, busy life, and ages. People concerns too a lot of things to make friends because of conflicts of interesting. Sometimes, the relationships easily break up when they do not satisfied with the relationship each other. Moreover, people do not any trying for the broken relationships. I think this is more important problems. There are so many reasons for breaking relationships, the efforts for recovering that make more people living enriched life in people’s lifetime.


Describe some interesting things happened during your travel. Can you describe or for me?

What is your goal to travel and your reason to travel is?

Describe the advantage and disadvantage of travel for the country.

Which festival do people travel in and where do people travel to?

Compare the difference about travelling among Korean people between 100 years ago and now?

My first travel destination was Tiwan. Until traveling Tiwan, I had never been to other countries. I just want to travel for my company vacation time. In the country, food was so delicious and very cheap. Furthermore, people are mild and kind so much. I was interesting on everything because, at that time, it was first time for me to travel foreign country in flight. I met a girl, she was also single working women in Korea. We became friends easily and hang out together throughout the time. She had many experiences for travel, so explained how to enjoy traveling foreign country. So, interested but takes some money rather than domestic travel.

I don’t know about festival of Tiwan, they guide some attractions and we enjoyed it. I think Korea society developed and go abroad frequently to further distance locations rather than before. Korea people knew a lot of information the travel destinations.


What measures does your government take to protect natural scenery?

Do you think it is effective?

What role does tourism play in your country’s economy?

What should you pay attention to in travel?

Sure I think that. Government has to protect natural environment because it is property of the nations. Yes, I think it is effective because people afraid to make a sin against laws. I think the tourism industry doesn’t have a lot of proportion to play in my country’s economy yet, but when the industry grow so many benefit is given to Korean. I usually like some kind of historical heritages. I think so when we preserve and promote Korea heritages, we can get some profits from them.



Part 2

Describe an interesting story that you heard or read about in the news. You should say :

When you heard or read about the story

What the story was about

Why the story was in the news

And explain why you thought the story was interesting.

I saw a programme about animal experiment at TV. I was shock because many experiments use dog, biggles as experiment materials. The reason why their organ is similar to those of human’s body and their disposition is so mild. They are sometimes used to utilize the poison experiment, after that they are killed by human with the method of euthanasia, mercy killing. It was so cruel _behavior_. All lifetime stayed in the cage. So, I feel pity, this kind of experiment has to be discontinued.


Describe an interesting place that you have visited as a tourist. You should say:

Where this place is

Why you went there

What you did there and explain why you thought this place was so interesting.

I visited namee Ireland several times with my friends. The place provides a lot of exibitions and traditional performances regulary. Also, this place in natural environment, therefore, when I want to _refresh_ my mind, I visited there with my friends. Hence, the enterance fee is 1million won in Korean cash. So, I think this fee is reasonable. Many Korean couples visit the place for sight-seeing.


Describe a special event(e.g. festival, carnival or other celebration) that takes place in your country. You should say :

When the event takes place

Why it takes place

What people do and explain why the event is special.

The most famous special day is Korean thanks giving day and the new year’s day. People celebrate to thank good agriculture and live a new year. Korean usually meet their relatives, off springs and parents. Especially, modern society people cannot meet frequently. So, in this celebrate day, Korean family go to their hometown and meet their relatives. For this reason, the celebrate day is so big and special. When the period the days come, so many traffic congestions occurred in road. Many Korean people think the day is so important.


Describe a popular teacher that you know. You should say:

What this teacher looks like

What sort of person this teacher is

What this teacher helped you to learn and explain why this teacher is popular.

I know one of my teachers is my boyfriend. He had come here several years ago and I met him at that time as my teacher. He was very popular among some girls in Korea. So, I really dislike when in his side are some girls in there. Since, I’m really jealous. He had teaches English communication and writing. So, I was influenced from him because I had disliked studying English before I met him. He is so diligent and fun, so many people liked him.


Describe a restaurant you enjoyed going to. You should say:

Where the restaurant was

Who you went with

What type of food you ate in this restaurant and explain why you thought the restaurant was good.

I really enjoy Italian restaurants or Mexican food chain franchise. Sometimes, I go alone or with my friend there. Usually, I go to the Mexican restaurant, the name is ‘on the border’. One of them, my favorite food is fagita salad. Furthermore, they always delicious corn snacks for complimentary when we order main dishes. So, last year I introduce this restaurant to my older brother. He really satisfied and he said he will take his family- his son and wife- to go there, someday. Actually, my older brother dislike foreign food but he really satisfied ‘this Mexican food’. I think Mexican taste is similar to Korean.


Describe a television programme that you watch. You should say :

Which kind of television programme it is

What usually happens in the television programme

Why you enjoy watching the television programme and explain why you would recommend the television programme to other people.

Usually, I enjoy some programme about cooking class because, I live alone. So, I need to know how cook my meal and reduce my weight. The sometimes show diet methods and how to lost weight with food materials. When I buy food outside, it is so expensive and too salty. Also, I cannot control the amount of food. So, these programmes are very useful for me. Among them, my favorite programme is ‘what we eat, today?’. This is running by a Korean comedian and a Korean singer. They invite an expert cook and learn various cooking. It is so fun. So, I recommend you to watch the programme.


Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say :

Who you helped and why

How you helped this person

What the result was and explain how you felt about helping this person.

I usually help my house owner. I live in a small 4th story building, which is nearby Korea University. This building’s owner is old man. He is hard to calculate the electric service fee. So, on behalf of him, I calculate and divide the fee to assign each 4 person. Since, we have to use one measure device in electric service. We have to calculate and divide manually. I think it is not big help but he thanks very much to me. 사실은 말이지, 내가 이문제로 집주인과 싸워요. 원래 나한테 세금감면을 해주는 건데 이 아저씨는 그걸 자기가 받으려고 해서요. 그런데 강의에서 항상 positive하라고 해서 말이죠.


Describe a shopping centre/mall that you have visited or that you know about. You should say:

Where the shopping centre/mall is

How people travel to the shopping centre/mall

What kinds of shops it has and explain whether you think it is a good place to go shopping.

I usually go to some shopping center which is in Gasan digital complex in Seoul in Korea. There are a lot of outlets shopping malls. The place sells clothes very cheap prices. Actually, I had lived in there for 6 years. So, I always go there by walk. But, most of people go there by bus or subway. I think the place doesn’t have wide car parking area. Instead the transportation system in there is so good. I reckon the area has many outlets. Among them, I think W mall is one of the most place to go shopping because the clothes are good for 30 age group like me. I prefer to go there rather than other oulets.


Describe a house/apartment that someone you live in. You should say:

Whose house/apartment this is

Where the house/apartment is

What it looks like inside

And explain what you like or dislike about this person’s house/apartment.

I go to student’s house for teaching several times in a week. One of my students, his name is sang uk. He lives in independent gate station in Seoul. I think his house is so clean and neat. His mother is really good at decoration house. She makes various dolls by herself and sometimes, she makes soy candles or paints.

Usually, I feel cozy when I go this house. The space is not that big inside of this house but the neat home gives feeling comfortable for me.


Describe a writer you would like to meet. You should say :

Who the writer is

What you know about this writer already?

What you would like to find out about him/her?

And explain why you would like to meet this writer.

I would like to meet the J. rolling stone because she was so abject women before writing harry porter. I want to listen to her success story. I wonder How depict the many people’s personality in fictions. Because in her fiction, so, various disposition’s people are exist. Without experience, she could write these many ventures.  Plus, I wonder her life was changed before and after the writing of bestsellers. Sometimes, I questions in drama or fiction or movie, which show some unbelievable things or virtual situations. I feel that things are so imaginary but sometimes occurable events.


Describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect.  You should say :

Where you were on this day

What the weather was like on this day

What you did during the day

And explain why you thought the weather was perfect on this day.

I went to the waterpark last year. The weather was so hot to swim and play. For all day, I enjoyed the slide loop and several facilities for amusement. My friend and I ride various water park vehicles around 5-6 times. At night, the night lamp was on and we could enjoy the sky as swimming or riding a big tube in the wave pool. We learned how to enjoy wind surfing in the artificial pool. It was so fun and memorable experience.


Describe a TV _document_ary you watched that was particularly interesting. You should say :

What the _document_ary was about

Why you decided to watch it

What you learnt during the _document_ary

And explain why the TV _document_ary was particularly interesting.

I saw a programme about dong experiment, it was so cruel. People use a dog, generally biggle, because which has organs similar to human’s organ. Moreover, they have mild dispositions, so people choose this dog as an experiment material. I just watched the _document_ary at TV as I change the channels coinsidently. I think this kinds of experiments have to be continued. Actually, I didn’t know about animal experiments after watching the programme I learned several things. A lot of materials which people used are executed animal experiments to convince to use. I thought I will use products which was not conducted animal experiments.


Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

Where you met them?

What subject they taught?

What was special about them and explain why this person influenced you so much.

A teacher who has greatly influenced me in my education is my boyfriend. He came to Korea for teaching English. We met in an English institution. Actually, I dislike to study English but after I met him, he encouraged me many times. I could study steadily. He teached English and American history. But I just only listen to his conversation class. I think he was so diligent and bright man. So, many people liked him.


Who send it? What is the gift? What is it for?

When did you receive it?

Detail information about the present.

My favorite friend and I always send a gift one another’s birthday. Once upon a time, I’ve got a bag with stripe pattern at my 25rd birthday. In fact, I was office worker but after I graduate University, I had not a lot of money. So, the present was so big gift for me. It was not a brand product like 구찌, 버버리. But, the usage was so practical and big size. I could do many belongings into the bag. It was made of leather. So I used it so long time without skin tattering.


What is the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen?

What is the specific point?

Where did you see it?

Who did you go with?

I think 외 Ireland in Korea is so beautiful. It seems like bird’ Ireland in Saipan. In Ireland, there is an artificial garden which is so particular. Natural environment of this Ireland is so fine, I just go there for traveling by myself because I hope to relax during my company vacation at that time. I took a bus and it takes 4-5times. The last itinerary was sauna nearby seashore. It was so good experience for me.



When do people like to read the newspaper?

How important is it for people to have a choice of newspaper?

What does a ‘good’ newspaper contain?

People want to read newspapers when some big events occurred. However, these days online newspaper published, many people read with online. It has no fee to read and no needed papers. I think papers also have some penchant for some politics party, so choosing newspapers are depended on the people’s propensity on politics. Some people choose their interest because papers have different _asp_ects for assigning paper pages. Therefore, people who like sports or entertainment, they buy sports newspapers. People think a ‘good’ newspaper is contained the neutral stance. There is a free press but sometimes politics power surpress the mass media. For this reason, people want to listen unbiased voice of media.


Why do some people choose to read the news on the internet rather than in a newspaper?

How is internet news different from the news you read in the newspaper?

Will internet news ever replace newspapers? Why? Why not?

The reason why some people choose to read the news in a newspaper that we don’t need to pay of that. Furthermore, the volume doesn’t exist and paper is also not needed. So we can frugal our material sources, which is from trees. We don’t need to cut trees. The differentiations between online and paper newspaper is people’s response. People who read online newspaper write their opinions the articles. Sometimes they vote immediately on that. We can see people’s response on the internet about the articles. I think internet news would ever replace newspapers. Already peoples adapt the online device like Tablet, mobile, and desktop. The age group of using internet more and more increased. For this reason, it never can be replaced to off line newspapers.


What areas of a town or city do tourists often like to visit?

How important is it for local governments to look after popular tourist attractions?

Should people pay to visit attractions such as museums and galleries?

In Korea, many tourist visit je-ju Ireland. There are a lot of exotic plants and houses because of weather. Also, they have enriched natural environment and historical places. So, many foreigner and Korean tourist visit there. The local government looks after popular tourist attractions because they obtain incomes from the tourism industry. I really agree that people pay to visit attractions such as museums and galleries. Since, they have to remodeling and decorating buildings or sometimes they need maintain fee for running the facilities. In this respect, people have to pay fee about visiting attractions such as museums and galleries.


How should tourists behave when they are in a different country?

What can local people do to help tourists enjoy their visit?

What can tourists learn from visiting new places?

When people are in a different country, they have to follow the rule of the country. If don’t want to follow their rule, they have not to go there because, the tourist can break their piece and cultures. Local people can guide how to enjoy their attractions, and there by, tourists might have favor of the country. It becomes bring other tourist again. They can obtain good income from tourism industry. A lot of tourist wants to get some _refresh_ment through the tour. Sometimes, they want to know other countries and history. It depends on the purpose of tourists when they visit new places. I don’t know well but in my case I hope to know their historical cultures and artifacts from visiting new places.


What sort of occasions do families and friends like to celebrate?

How important are celebrations in people’s lives? Why? Why not?

Should people have time off work for important celebrations? Why? Why not?

When families and friends sometimes prepare to celebrate something, they buy some gift or hold a party. For example, someone’s birthday, they make a cake or surprise party. That usually makes people live and enjoyable. Also, the relationship is improved, if they have troubles or not sticky one another. But I think people do time off when they prepare to celebrate is not appropriate because work is basic pattern of their lifetime and it is also important a part of our life. We have to do both at the same time as possible as you can. When people can leave a day off, at this time people can utilize that as a right process in their workplace. I think it is adequate.


Why do many people enjoy participating in national celebrations?

Have national celebrations become more or less important over time? Why?

What sort of things do you think countries will celebrate in the future?

Most of all, when many people enjoy participating in national celebrations, they feel the identity and unity of their belonged society. Korea fixed some national holiday and celebrations but it is not changed a lot for passing years. I think it is not changed a lot. If some memorial thing or celebration things occurred, maybe government would set the holiday for the celebrations.


What can schools do to help students prepare for the next stage in their lives?

What advice would you give to someone who doesn’t like school?

What can schools teach children that they can’t learn from their parents?

Students can prepare what they do in their lifetime in their school because at school people look for their aptitude by exploring their interesting. So, even if they doesn’t like to go school, that time is important to people because they can find themselves’ appropriate job position. So, I want to recommend students who don’t like to go school, do more getting times for exploring yourself for your lifetime. It is very precious time. Also, teacher has to help to find their aptitude and raising them up. Sometimes, student’s parents cannot catch their children’s disposition or aptitude. At this time, teacher’s endeavor is very important rather than other people.


In general, what opportunities are available to students after they leave school?

How do you think school life differs from university life?

How important do you think it is for individuals to carry on learning after they have finished school and university?

Student after they leave school they might have some opportunities to make money. At this time, they have to decide they will study more or go workplace. A lot of people choice to go workplace to earn money. Also, at this time students have to think the work is appropriate to them or not. The university life is very different with high school life. There are a lot of opportunities having determine of their life. Furthermore, students have to decide what is their main subject and lectures to study. That is big different points. I think people have to learn consistently through their lifetime. Even workplaces, people can learn many things. Especially, people can get life-long education and when they have a lot of interesting something, they learn by doing hobby activity.


Do you think that people eat healthier food than they did in the past? Why? Why not?

How important do you think it is for families to eat meals together?

What effects has modern technology had on the food we eat?

Consequently, I agree that people eat heathier food than they did in the past because people want to try get some organic food rather than before and they concern more and more their health. So, people think a lot the ingredient and food material is good or not. Already, people learned by getting many information for example, junch food and instant is not good for health because of the additives.  We have no time to eat together rather than before, but we have to try to eat together. When we eat together, families share their problems and life stories and they can help each other in family. Most of all, modern technology had on the food we eat, because of that we can now check our food ingredient with our health device. And, they let us know our physical status is good or not, moreover guide how to eat salubrious food.


Why do people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate important occasions?

Do you think that food prepared at home is always better than in restaurants?

Which are more popular in your country : fast food restaurants or traditional restaurants? Why?

Some people think when they provide a good meal in a classy restaurant that makes people’s life more enriched or giving good memory. So many people in special day buy healthy and delicious meal for someone to celebrate important occasions. I think classy restaurants provide good meals with nice service. Sometimes, these meals are much better than food prepared at home. I think in my country, young people like fast food restaurants because that provide food cheaper prices and some people addicted the flavor of fast food restaurants. But, most people like more traditional restaurants.


How do you feel about the amount of advertising on television?

In what ways has television advertising changed I the last ten years?

To what extent are people influenced by the advertising they see on television?

I’m very hot tempered person. So when the advertising time on television is long, I feel stuffy because I want to see the next programme as soon as possible. Television advertising added many computer effects and using famous celebrity. Most of all, advertisement use a lot of image brand promotions rather than explain something of products. To some extent, people influenced by the advertising when people see that. They mimic the trend word or celebrity’s fashions. Sometimes, people follow advertisement action or making paredy for utilizing their business.


Why do people still enjoy going to the cinema to watch a film?

What sort of influence can films have on people?

Should film-makers be responsible for the impact their films can have on people?

Especially, Korea has no play grounds a lot. So, entertainment industry is developed. So, many people go to cinema or watching TV drama. Furthermore, computer effects are distinctive when we watch movie in cinema rather than movie at home. Sometimes, movie makes some new trend word by people. Sometimes, people mimic celebrities’ activity. So, a sort influence on people is exist. For this reason, film makers have to have responsible for the impact their films can have on people. They have to shun make too gory or lewd stories.


(describe) practical things people can do to help their neivours

(explain) why neighbours should help each other

(consider)whether people in small towns help each other more than people in cities

I’m a tenure of a building. My house owner cannot calculate some fares of water, gas or electric services. So, I calculate the fee instead of him because of he need help. Also, he help me when this house’s some facility is not work. I think neighbours can help each other like this. I don’t know about small town because I have never lived in small town but when I go trip to the small province, I saw people help one another more rather than big city.


(identify) jobs that focus on helping other people

(outline) the qualities that people need to do jobs that involve helping others

(comment on) whether salaries for jobs that involve heling people are generally

Teacher, doctor, nurse like this jobs are helping other people. They care of other people and guide something how to do. So, I think if someone to guide to another they have some qualities to help others. The salaries for hobs are very different depends on belonged the society, in Koera ,doctor or teacher’s income is so good. Nurse also can get fine salaries because they are very shortage of numbers and having very tough and shift work. In these reason, the quality of involving helping others is so important.


(account for) some people not wanting to help other people

(agree/disagree) governments have a responsibility to help people

(consider) whether some people deserve help more than others

I knew helping other people is difficult because sometimes others reject someone’s help even if they have to get some help. So, some people don’t want to help other people. Sure I think governments have a responsibility to help people because they have to their people protects and people is belonged the society member of the nation. So, government has to prepare the well-fare or terror or war of the nation. Everyone have a right to get some help from others or their nations. However some people needed more help because they are weak. I think it is not a matter of fact that deserving help or not but the right of them.


Where do people in your country buy food?

Is it better to buy cloths in small shops?

What are the advantages of internet shopping?

People usually go to the big market like homeplus or emart because the product is cheap and abundant. Most of all, food product quality is so good rather than small local markets. Unfortunately, they do not give delivery service. I think sometimes, it is better to buy cloths in small shops. Because they prepare some particular cloths which we cannot buy big store. Internet shopping is cheaper rather than off line store. Moreover, they provide speedy delivery service. So I use the online shopping a lot.


What is good customer service?

Why do some shops provide better customer service than other shops?

How important is customer service to the success of a shop?

Good customer service provides a good quality of service. For example, kind attitude, quick delivery, and speedy responses about the customer questions.  There are a lot of shops but some of them give good customer service. Sometimes customers choice shops depends on the customer service quality. Because of that, customer service is one of the keys to succeed of a shop.


Why is shopping such a popular activity?

What are the advantages to society of a highly developed shopping centre?

Is society becoming increasingly materialistic?

Is Internet shopping popular in your country?

Nowadays people want to show their unique fashion or item, and thereby they want present to their own identity. So, shopping becomes more and more popular activity. When the shopping center developed, domestic economic is rise. So, there has a lot of advantage to society. For example, people can buy products reasonable prices rather than before. In my country, internet shopping is popular to young people. Online store provide products with cheaper and reasonable prices.

Do you like to go shopping? Why?

Do you prefer big shopping town or small shops? Why?

Do you think small shops will still exist in 10 years’ time?

Sometimes, when I was stressed out, I go to the shopping to relive my stress. I don’t buy many things, when I see a good products, I forget my worry things. I usually prefer big shopping town because I can see a lot many products. Actually, I enjoy the window shopping. After that I want to buy something purchasing on the internet same things. Because the price on the internet is cheaper than off line prices even though same products. I think small shops will still exist in 10 years’ time because some people special items like hand-made or designer artifacts. So, I think these shops remain after 10 years passed.


What kinds of home are most popular in your country? Why is this?

What do you think are the advantages of living in a house rather than an apartment?

Do you think that everyon

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로라김 선생님의 답변
( 2017.07.13 )

시원스쿨 선생님

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별점을 선택하여 만족도를 알려주세요.


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